About Us
About Disruption Hawks

Incorporated in early 2018 by partners with over 50 years of technology experience between them, we are a Pittsburgh-based technology company who is very passionate about disruptive technologies.  We are heavily into cryptocurrency, AI/ML, AR/VR, electrification of cars, 5g, and the like.  We know that it's cliche to say and that lots of companies say it, but we don't just do what we do for the money.  Yes, we need some money to fund our projects but we do what we do because we believe in the technologies and we absolutely love to help customers benefit from them personally and financially. The technology curve is getting steeper and the only way to survive it is to face it, understand it, and work it into our lives and our businesses.  The other options are missing the boat as a best-case scenario or getting run over and run out of business as a worst-case scenario. 

Let us be your partners in disruption.  Let us help you to work the new technologies into your own lives and businesses.